Deciphering deltaG Products
Picture this: You're at 38km in, and while others are hitting the wall, you're maintaining steady energy levels that seem almost superhuman. This isn't a runner's fairy tale - it's the reality that many athletes are experiencing with deltaG products. As the endurance sports world continues to evolve, breakthrough innovations are changing the game, and deltaG is at the forefront of this revolution.
At Aid Station, we've seen countless athletes transform their performance through strategic nutrition choices. So let's dive deep into deltaG: what is it, how it works and how you can benefit from this rocket fuel.
The Science:
deltaG has taken endogenous ketones to the next level, providing a ketone ester supplement R-1,3-Butanedio (ketogenic precursor) as a Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (βHB) delivery mechanism. βHB is elevated in the blood when we are in ketosis (there are not enough carbohydrates in the blood for energy). At rest, our βHB levels are usually less than 0.5 mmol/L. With carbohydrate restriction and the signal for ketogenesis, our blood βHB levels rise to 1-2 mmol/L (1).
Since carbohydrate restriction is not recommended for athletes for long periods, deltaG offers an external source of ketones that create a similar or greater βHB blood level comparable to nutritional ketosis. Keep in mind that deltaG was made to complement proteins, carbohydrates and fats as a fuel source for athletes. However, a recent study on male runners found that ketones alone without co-ingestion of carbohydrates might improve running economy (2).
Previously, the market was saturated with ketone salt supplements made with a mix of the D- and L-isomers of βHB. deltaG only contains the D-isomer (active form). Whether humans can convert the L-form to the D-form (3) remains unclear. So, taking a ketone salt supplement may saturate your body with whatever mineral they chose to bind with βHB, while potentially only getting the L-isomer and having no effect on blood βHB levels.
How to Use deltaG?
There are 4 deltaG products to choose from:
deltaG - Ketone Health
10 g deltaG Ketone Ester, 50 calories.
deltaG - Ketone Tactical
32 g deltaG Ketone Ester, 160 calories.
deltaG - Gold Ketone Coffee Booster
5.4 g deltaG Ketone Ester per 5ml serving, 26 calories.
deltaG - Ketone Performance
deltaG Ketone Ester- 27 g, 4 g carbs, 140 calories.
The main difference is the amount of deltaG per serving. This is based on research suggesting that higher blood ketones are needed for athletic performance than blood ketone levels, which may assist general health in cognitive function, satiety, and blood glucose levels (4). How you consume deltaG will depend on your motivation to use it in the first place.
deltaG for Endurance:
Consume 1/2 bottle deltaG tactile or deltaG performance 20 minutes before a workout/race with carbs. For exercise over an hour, have ½ a bottle every subsequent hour with carbs.
deltag for Recovery:
Consume one serving immediately after a workout, training session or event. It’s best to wait 20–30 minutes before consuming other recovery nutrition.
deltaG for Cognition:
Consume one serving of deltaG - Ketone Health for any activity requiring enhanced cognitive energy, e.g. deep work, speaking engagements or recovery after a troubled sleep.
Are you keen to try ketone supplementation for yourself? Buy deltaG here.
Ash Miller
Dietitian and Nutritionist (Masters)
Bachelor of Physical and Health Education
Instagram: @ashthomo_nutrition
Newman JC, Verdin E. β-hydroxybutyrate: much more than a metabolite. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2014 Nov;106(2):173-81. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2014.08.009. Epub 2014 Aug 19. PMID: 25193333; PMCID: PMC4414487.
BRADY, AIDAN J.1,2; EGAN, BRENDAN1,3,4. Acute Ingestion of a Ketone Monoester without Co-ingestion of Carbohydrate Improves Running Economy in Male Endurance Runners. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 56(1):p 134-142, January 2024. | DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000003278
Lincoln BC, Des Rosiers C, Brunengraber H. Metabolism of S-3-hydroxybutyrate in the perfused rat liver. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1987; 259:149-56.
Poffé C, Ramaekers M, Van Thienen R, Hespel P. Ketone ester supplementation blunts overreaching symptoms during endurance training overload. J Physiol. 2019 Jun;597(12):3009-3027. doi: 10.1113/JP277831. Epub 2019 May 22. PMID: 31039280; PMCID: PMC6851819.